Monday, November 26, 2007

A budding idea

This past holiday weekend I was able to spend a day at my sister's house with family. (thanks for letting us invade your house for the day, hope we didn't leave chaos behind). My mom, 3 of my sisters, and one niece took a "fieldtrip" to the best store around- Real Deals.
Now, I am absolutely NOT a shopper. I hate taking the time to go shopping. Don't even think about asking me to go to the mall just to "shop". If I am shopping, I have to have what I need/want in mind and know who has it and then I get in the car, go to that one place, get what I need and go home. The end. But Sharon sent me the link and I just redid my living room and am getting ready to redo my downstairs, so I was up for shopping here. After all, can't pass up a good bargain.

So we got into two cars and headed to the store. I fell in love. So many things to see. So many things that wanted to make my home their permanant home. So many great deals. I'm gonna have to go back. And the best part is this- there is one in American Fork!

Yesterday I was looking around on their website and that is how I found out that Sharon was right, there is one in AF. Then I noticed that the store is owned by franchisees. That is when the idea budded in my head- owning a store is something I would love to do and this one would be great. It is only open 2 days a week, it has fabulous products at an affordable price and Utah county is the fastest growing county in the state and there is only 1 store in that county! There are at least 5 in the northern part of the state. Now I just have to figure out the feasability of an SBL, as well as all the other start up costs, where would I locate it and is this really what I want to do when I grow up?


Karlene said...

Love those ginormous wall clocks. Are the prices good?

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the sisters so I'll answer! I got one of the big wall clocks for $22. It's red and big and beautiful. Not extremely sturdy, but not cheap, either.