Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The good parts

There are some good things about working in a jr. high. School vacations comes to mind, especially as today is the last day of this school week before Thanksgiving.

Friends in the form of other teachers is another one. Lindsey is one such friend. She just popped by with a couple of notes that some students in her homeroom class wrote for me. They are on cute little note papers with a picture of a turkey.

Students are another good thing about working in a jr. high. One of the notes said "Thanks for all you do". Honestly, I had to look up the student's name, because I did not know who it was. After I had looked him up and saw his picture, I knew him, but just didn't know his name.

The other note said, "Its me _____ your fav. Your the coolest person in the school. I was tardy on purpose to see you. Love _________" This really is one of my favorite students. I heard him tell someone once that I was like his big sister or maybe even his mom. He always has a smile (and some sort of shennanigans) for me, and I am always happy to see him and hate it when I have to correct him. Much the same as with my own kids.

Thank you Lindsey for having the students write the notes and reminding me that I really do like the students here (for the most part anyway).


ShazBraz said...

you'll appreciate this...Today I went into a fourth grade classroom to pull a student and it smelled really good in the room (NOT the norm for a fourth grade class after lunch!) As the boy was coming over to me I said, "it smells good in here" and he said, "oh, that's my teacher!"

kris said...

Hi Sandra
I just caught up on your posts. You've had your ups and downs lately! :)
I was so sad to read about your plants being destroyed - that is heartbreaking. I'm glad it was FINALLY resolved.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving - enjoy your family time!