Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dragon Slippers

Jessica Day George
From the back cover:

She wanted dragon gold. She got a pair of slippers.
"Do you collect, um, windows?" I said. It would be an odd thing indeed, if this cave-dwelling creature hoarded chapel windows. But no more odd, I thought, than the dragon Theoradus hoarding shoes he culd never wear.
"Yes, I do collect windows," this dragon said testily. "And that one was particularly fine." Then his gaze sharpened on me. I took a step back, feeling the rough stone wall behind me and wondering wildly where the entrance was. "Do you not assume that I hoard gold?"
I lifted my chn. "You are not the first dragon I have conversed with," I said in lofty tones, hoping to impress this one with my experience. "I am well aware that dragons napping on piles of gold are the stuff of old grannies' tales. why, just the other day I was admiring the shoe collection of Theoradus of Carlieff, and he gave me this pair as a gift." I raised my skirts to show off my blue slippers.
A gout of flameissued from the gold dragon's snout as it gave a loud roar. I only just managed to leap out of the ay as my bed of ferns and moss was torched by blue-white dragonfire.
"By the Seven Volcanoes! " the gold dragon swore. "Where did you come by those slippers?"

Creel's parents are dead and she and her brother are living with her aunt's family. Times are hard and food is scarce. While her brother can help around the farm, Creel is just another mouth to feed. Creel's aunt comes up with a scheme to sacrifice her to the dragon rumored to be living in a cave above the town, the son of the local lord will be appealed to to come save her and then she will be married to her rescuer and the family will live happily ever after. That is the plan anyway.

Creel survives her encounter with the dragon, elicites a promise and a gift of slippers from him and sets out to find her own fate. Many adventures await her along the way and we are lucky enough to be along for the ride.

Ms. Day George is an excellent story teller. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the next book of Creel's adventures.

Purchase book here.


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