Sunday, August 10, 2008

Picture to share

Hand in Hand
Greg Olsen

I came across this picture the other day and just wanted to share it. I have looked for years for a picture of the Savior with just one ethnic child. Most pictures that have the Savior with ethnic children have at least 3 other children. You can find scads of pictures with blonde, blue eyed boys and blond blue eyed girls one on one, but pictures of the Savior and one ethnic child are very scarce. In fact, in the 10 years I have been searching for one, this is the first one I have seen. I have even spoken with artists at LDSBA and some have told me they would create one, but I have not seen a finished one- until now. Tomorrow I will be heading to Deseret Book for this picture.


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Anonymous said...

Do you ever see one of a redhead? I was told one time, in all seriousness, there wasn't any redheads allowed in Heaven. Her comment was you've never seen nor will you see a picture of Christ with a redhead. Your redheaded Mom

Sandra said...

Well, your redheaded daughter does not care what that woman told you, she doesn't know what she was talking about. I did see that one picture in the Ensign lo those many years ago, but there were other people in the picture as well. I'll look for one for you.

Maybe next time I go to LDSBA I can talk one of the artists into doing one. I know about 2-3 years ago I talked to Liz Lemon Swindle about doing one with just one black child and she told me she would. She was on her way to Africa to do some photos to work from. I also know that it can take 3-5 years for a picture to be finished after it is started and she had another one started and the concept of one to do when that one was done. But I'll look and I'll talk.

Anonymous said...

Mom-I remember you telling me that story. Well, I guess there will be a lot of good company 'not in heaven' teehee, like me & 4 out of my 6 kids. Loretta

Josi said...

I was at LDSBA last week and I saw one which Christ holding a toddler aged black child--it was a beautiful picture. Unlike you, however, it wasn't until I saw it that I realized I hadn't eve seen one before. I have never seen a red head though. Strange.