Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Romance and Books

The administrators and PTA at the high school love to give the faculty and staff small tokens of appreciation. At least once a day, if not more, one of them says, "Thanks for working here" in someway or another. It has been said in words, in notes, and in gift cards. Last week we got one of the best ever, a 20% use it more than once gift card to Barnes and Noble! One of the secretaries gave me hers because, "I will never use it. I don't go into book stores, they make me itchy." Doesn't go to bookstores?! Blaspheme!

My mom, sisters and I have been having a discussion over at Loretta's blog about books. I have feeling that if any of my family of origin ever needed to pack a handcart and trek across the continent, we would need more than one just for the reading material. Good thing I have so many boys, they can pull all of mine for me.

Jessica and I were talking about romance movies and telling each other our favorite scenes. We talked about Princess Bride and the moment that Buttercup realizes that Wesley is not really dead. Or the wedding scene in While You Were Sleeping that Sandra Bullock's character realizes that she is marrying the wrong brother.

How about the proposal scene in Runaway Bride? They are surrounded by books. Not to mention that it is the most perfect, romantic proposal ever:

Look, I guarantee that we'll have tough times. And I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us will want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me.

But the best romantic scene in a movie? Beauty and the Beast. Beast gives Beauty his. entire. library. Be still my heart. Now that is a real prince of a guy.


add to kirtsy


Anonymous said...

While I was in Florida, with Dawna, she took me to a glass shop, as she knows I love glass. There was the cutiest Mrs. Potts and teacup,probably about three inches high. I seriously consider it and would of hand packed it back until------I saw the price-----$200.00. Oh so cute. Love Mom

Sandra said...

so it would be your fault that I love: reading, glass, dishes, chairs and shoes?

Anonymous said...

guilty as charged !! Love Mom

tawnya said...

Really? Beauty & the Beast? An animal and a highly over-bosomed cartoon girl? Hmmmm. Yeah, not so much for me!

Sandra said...

Tawnya- my point was that he gave her his entire library. That to me is romantic.

tawnya said...

I know what your point was. Sorry. I clearly needed to vent about Beauty & the Beast...

Megan said...

I agree. YES YES YES. Best gift EVER!!! I love all those movies!

loretta said...

NOT USE THE BARNES & NOBLE CARD???? We are having parent/teacher conferences today & tomorrow, which always involves a book fair. I had to stop myself at $35 for 5 books & this is at the elementary school!!!!

I'll have to think about the most romantic scene....