Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You day 11

Today we honor those that have assured us the ability to live in relative peace and happiness. They have given us the right to be gready and fill our homes with useless drivel. We can live beyond our means and fill our bellies with good as well as unhealthy food. We can go to work or school and speak our minds and never fear that we will be arrested or even worse, killed for it.

We do not fear our loved ones being taken from us and put in jail for having an opinion. We can do this, because someone else's father, son, brother choose to put himself in harms way to keep it thus. I say "Thank you".

I am proud to place my hand over my heart and pledge my allegience to the symbol of my country. I shed tears each and every time I sing the national anthem. I am thankful that so far, my sons have not been called upon to lay down their life for my freedom, but if they are called upon to do so, I will pray for their safety, but know that the day may come that I will see two men in dress blues at my door. I will weep for that, but still be proud and know that they did what was asked of them for my continued comfort.Let us not forget the many valiant men and women that have given us our freedom this day.


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