Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thankful day 15

For visiting teachers.

Yesterday I fell and bruised my leg. I thought it was just a little bruise on the thigh and a big bruise on my ego. But the longer the day went, the more places I felt the aches and pains. Jake and Brandi had a piano recital last night (video later) and by the time it was time to be there, I was in a lot of pain. When did I get old enough for a simple spill to cause so much pain?

Brandi and Jake's piano teacher is also my visiting teacher. When she found out, she told me that she would bring me something that would help. This morning she brought me some big leaves of comfrey from her garden. Now I can make a nice poultice, put it on the bruises and feel better. Well, at least the physical bruises anyway, the ego bruises are going to have to just work themselves out.


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1 comment:

tawnya said...

Wow. I don't think "thankful for visiting teachers" has ever left my lips...

Sorry about the fall!