Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

I am sick. I would feel better about it if it was a sugar induced candy sick. Maybe. But it is not. I asked Santa to not bring candy this year and he obliged. We got buffalo jerky, fruit leather, pinons (pine nuts for those of you not from the southwest), and the stockings overflowed. But mine is still full of all of that because I woke up with a little cold and didn't feel like eating anything.

This morning I woke up half dead. Fever, coughing, sore throat, stuffy nose, earache, headache. I sound like a Nyquil commercial.

I would just go back to bed except I have to take Matthew in for a CT scan. He needs his head examined. No, really. He has been having daily headaches for a couple of months now and we can't find a reason, so this is the next step.

Is turkey soup as good as chicken soup for colds?


add to kirtsy


ShazBraz said...

I'm sorry! I hope you get better fast!

Marcelle said...

Sorry to read you not feeling well today...I ate far to much pudding yesterday I had a sore stomach all night...but woke up okay.

Hope you get to the bottom of what is causing the headaches....

loretta said...

Good luck to Matthew.

The kids had to wait to see what Santa brought yesterday & open presents. Tanner was really sick with fever etc. He is still today. Hope you feel better.

Karlene said...

How is Matthew? What did the tests say? Maybe he has TMJ, like Megan.