I am behind. I hate being behind. It makes me feel rushed and out of control. I have two weeks off of work and school for Christmas break. But I also am helping Matt with a present for Whitney that is very time consuming and we should have started last month, but he barely asked me last week. I also have 20 chapters to read for school, close to the same amount of articles, 2 papers to write, 3 projects to get done, a questionair to create, interviews to hold, a zillion loads of laundry, somewhere I know I have a kitchen table and why is it all my stuff on the table anyway? I want it to be someone else's so I can blame them for the mess. The kids want to go to Spanish Fork to see the lights tonight. I still need to upload Brandi and Jake's piano recital videos, Christmas in the Grove videos, Jake's Christmas concert video, at least 3 month's worth of pictures, wrap 4 more presents, send my Mom and Dad's present......
Yet I sit here blogging. Probably because when I look at it all like that, I feel overwhelmed. But it will all get done, it always does and what doesn't get done just won't matter. Sorry Mom and Dad, your present will probably be late- again. I used to be so organized, the laundry will get done because I am only going to do what absolutely has to be done for Sunday- the rest can wait for Monday. The table will be cleared as soon as I put my homework away and take the 3 bags of stuff for Matt's project to my room, homework will get done and if I don't upload the videos until some time in the future life won't cease. And I will take the kids to Spanish Fork and if I let someone else drive, I can continue to embroider while we travel if I turn on the small light.
There, I feel better already. But I did have to share one of the videos with you from Jake's concert the other night. It is just too good to let sit. He forgot to tell me they were coming in the way they did, so I am sorry for the beginning. Jake is second from the end on the right- black jacket, white hat. It was my favorite number of the evening.
Terrific Video! Tell Jake he is awesome.
And how do you manage with all that you do? Way to go.
Merry Christmas.
It's called being a mom. Ask yours, she'll tell you.
Actually, my kids come first for me and everything else has to wait. A lot of other things get let go, things like washing down the walls, dealing with that pile of paper on my desk that just needs filed- but I will clean out the files next week so why bother now?, alphabetizing my spices, color co-ordinating the dishes, that kind of stuff.
In all seriousness, though, I had to learn to stop being a perfectionist about my house and let good enough be good enough. I only get one shot at being there for my kids but all the rest will wait for me. I have a big calendar and everyone knows that they have to put on there the things they want me to be at and I will rearrange whatever I can to be there.
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