Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I was thirsty, ok?

Last night I was talking to Jess. I thought she was in the bathroom putting on her makeup to get ready to go to class. She wasn't answering me, but I could hear the water running, so I went in there to see why she was ignoring me. This is what I saw.

I asked who turned on the water and let the cat on the cupboard because that is not allowed.

No one turned on the water for her. My guess is this

Her water and food dish is in the garage. It was 9* yesterday. Jacob had to break the ice on her water dish more than once. Her water was frozen at this time

She was thirsty, so I think she jumped up there and turned the water on and got a drink.

Smart cat.

Here are few more pictures that I took of her before I made her get down and I put her out with fresh water.

Here she is saying, "What? I was thirsty, ok?"


add to kirtsy


loretta said...

That's funny!!

Marcelle said...

What a clever cat!!!!!

Karlene said...


ali cross said...

My kitty does that too! But, I confess, I let her. It's the one 'up' she's allowed.

BTW Sandra ... those are beautiful photos of your family you have there. What a handsome bunch!

And I LOVE what you say about yourself in your profile. Lovely.