Friday, March 20, 2009

So, how was your day?

My day-

*Didn't know I wasn't picking up one of the kids in the carpool until I got there (though I did suspect it) and no one was home. (note- don't have your girl friend pretend to be your mom and excuse you from class when your mom's friend is the one that answers the phone at the school- you will be marked sluffing and have to go to early morning attendance school)

*Had to sub in Health class, 80% boys. Topic to be taught? STDs, complete with pictures in the power point lesson plan.

*Today was the end of third term at school. Crazy busy in the office with parents trying to excuse every. single. absence for the entire term. No happy parents when I tell them that their child still needs to attend attendance school because even with the excuses, their student has not met the attendance policy.

*Met with students about missing credit for graduation and gave them options to complete in the next 8 weeks in order to be able to graduate. (note- keep track of your student's grades/attendance/credit tally. Don't wait until the last minute because I can promise you for every student I meet with, there are 2-3 that I haven't identified as needing my attention.)

*Typed up tentative agenda for Student Support Team meeting on Monday. Sent it to the assistant principal

*Met with said assistant principal regarding agenda. Added new items to agenda. Sent agenda to all team members so they will have it Monday in time for the meeting.

*Turned off computer, answered a few more phone calls (had to use Shelly's computer to look up students)

*Thought about everything I needed to do before I leave for my nephew's wedding reception this evening

*And the best part of the whole day? Donovan called me and told me they are on the way to the hospital for the baby to be born. I may not go to the reception after all.


add to kirtsy


Jeri said...

what a day - I'm so glad to hear that the baby is on it's way... I've been crossing my fingers for you (and Donovan and everyone involved...)

Karlene said...

I'm so excited for you. Hope all goes well with the baby. I have some good news but I'm not allowed to blog about it. So after Donovan leaves and everything settles down, CALL ME!!!!!!!