Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Random

Just a few thoughts on the Christmas spirit

*Last Saturday while I was at the post office mailing a package to Matthew, Jessica called me to tell me that  someone from the Kiawanas club had just come by to drop off a turkey and a bag of potatoes.  I cried.

*Last night I had just gotten ready for bed when the door bell rang.  By the time I got my robe on Jake had made it to the front door.  No one was there but the front porch had a case of canned goods along with two grocery bags and 1 garbage bag full of food.  I cried again.

* I am really glad that yesterday was my last day working at Target until after Christmas.  It is crazy busy there and from the moment I sign in to my register until I go home I never stop checking things out.  Mostly the people are nice and patient when the lines get long, but there are some that would try the patience of a saint.  And I really appreciated the kindess of the customer when I dropped her candle and broke it while I was bagging it.  And the couple that told me they had been in Silver City the week before on their way to Las Cruses to visit their granddaughter.

*But the customer that made me cry?  And I still tear up when I think about it?  A little 4 year old boy.  He was there with his mom, his 2 year old brother and 3 month old brother.  They put a couple of trucks and some wrapping paper on the belt.  I heard the mom say to him, "I don't know if we need to wrap it, I'll find out"  So I asked him, "Did you choose this to give to someone special?"

He looked at me and said, "Some widdle boys don't have prwesents, so I getted it to give to dem."

I don't know why, but the tears just started falling.  I have seen customers purchasing for families, secret Santas, sub for Santa, angel tree gifts, toys for tots, etc. but for some reason this one touched my heart.  In fact the tears are falling again as I type this and I think of this little family.

I wiped my eyes and said to his mom "Thank you for teaching him this."   She was afraid that the reality was lost on him.  I agreed that it possibly is right now, but told her that he would feel it in his heart.  And that if she continued to teach him about giving then soon he would look forward to giving to others and eventually she would see that her sons would be going out of their way year round to help others.
I told the little boy that some little boy was going to be very happy because of his giving and that it made my heart happy that he was giving to others.

And that, my friends, is the real Christmas spirit.


1 comment:

Dad Mom said...

This is great. Love Mom