Monday, January 14, 2008

Just who is it that is running?

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I was listening to the news. They were talking about the presidential primaries, the democrats in particular and Hillary Clinton and Barac Obama in specific.

I was only half listening, putting on eye shadow takes so much concentration, you know. Well it does when you couple it with listening to news, giving 3 teenage boys instructions for the day and at the same time hollering out the poweder room door to the 8 year old still sleeping that she absolutley has to get up NOW!

Anyway, the reports are talking about how both the Clinton campaign and the Obama campaign are complaining that the other is bringing race into the race, blah, blah, blah, and take out the garbage, make your bed, blah, blah, blah, Sweetie you need to move because I am almost ready to leave, blah, blah, blah, Senator Clinton, blah, blah, Senator Obama, which color lipstick do I want today? blah, blah.

Then I hear it. The reporter says, "Well, the Clintons are used to running a race in which they get the majority of the black vote and this poses a problem for them." For them?? I think Why is this plural? But wait, he continued with this vein of thought throught the rest of the interview. They, the Clintons, and He, Obama. Their campaign, their run, their votes, His campaign, His run, His votes. Over and over and over.

Watch it here

So my question is this, who is running for president is it Hillary or Hillary&Bill?


Anonymous said...

I should just plead the 5th to this entire discussion, right? Or I just won't shut up, lest my family starts the eye rolling...

(by the way? saw the same interview & I thought the same thing. major flaw in Billery's campaign, if you ask me!)

Sandra said...

Oh, I like that, Billery.

And as far as you not shutting up? If only more Americans were as informed as you and could state their position as well.

Karlene said...

Billery! That is too funny.

So am I "Kim" or "Jarlene"?

Unknown said...

Oh Bill & Hillary, without question. If you think he's going to leave her to handle it alone you would be very mistaken. The two just give me the creeps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks (and I can't take credit for Billery. It's been around awhile...). It is truly my personal soapbox. I wish I could convey to people why they should be interested in politics. Well, interested and care! Interested, care and eschew the party line. Dig into the issues. Understand what is important to you and go from there. Realize that the labels out there are divisive and be ok with contridictions in your personal beliefs that may not fit into "this party" or "that particular dogma".

My take on the whole issue you mentioned is that Hillary would NEVER be a top contender w/o Bill. Ever. He is one of the things that is pushing her into top contender mode. He tempers her "not likeable" side. People look back in fondness to his presidency - understandable considering the current administration.

While I adore Barack Obama and plan to do whatever I can do for his campaign once we move (because he WILL win the primaries, darn it!), I agree with the man who said that the entire reason this was made into an 'issue' this weekend is because Hillary went into this thinking the Black community vote was hers. Why wouldn't it be? It certainly was for her husband. She did not count on Obama being such a captivating and mounting force of change and conviction. She did not count on people's desire for something new and different. A lot of young people don't want Clinton 2.0. Seriously? Bush (80s-90s), Clinton, Clinton (90s), Bush, Bush (present), Clinton (future)? The thought hurts my head. Enough is enough. We need someone with a new way of looking at things. Of doing things.

There are so many things wrong with the choices on both sides (don't get me started on the Republican choices!) and I think to counter the change Obama would bring to this country, she is pulling out all the stops. Including dragging race & her husband into the middle.

Oh, look at me go. I could talk politics for days. Have some sympathy for my poor husband. He's already had to hear "I'm watching the returns" more times this year than he probably wants!

ShazBraz said...

I think the real question is not how much is Bill running Hillary's campaign, but how much did Hillary run Bill's presidency? I think the answer is way more than anyone is willing to accept and I think him having been president was simply a step in her plan for her life to end up in her own reign of terror.