Thursday, February 14, 2008

The color purple

My mom cleaned out her closet. Yay for free clothes shopping! I got a really cute brown sweater dress. Problem is, I don't look good in that color brown. But, Rit die and I are good friends, so I decided to die it black. I could never get it dark enough that it did not look like a dirty gray. So I decided to die it a pretty deep grape color. I look really good in purple. I was in the process of dieing it and Jacob came to me and said "Mom, could you do a load of jeans, I am out of pants to wear." (it would help if they would put their dirty pants in the hamper on thursday, the day I do jeans!). Anyway, I took the dress out of the die bath when it was the right color I wanted, drained the washer, did a hot load of nothing but hot water, detergent and bleach to clean the washer. I laid the dress on the top of towel hamper to rinse and set the die after I did the jeans. Then I did a load of jeans.

Of course after the jeans were done, it was 10pm and I was tired, so I put them in the dryer and decided to rinse the dress the next day. Guess what happened next? Ethan, bless his little heart, came home from school and decided that Mom needed some help and he was just the guy to do it. He decided to help me by doing a load of towels to surprise me when I got home from work. He put the hot water in the washer, he put a scoop of detergent in the washer. He DID NOT put bleach in the washer, because he did that last time, with my brand new purple towels and turned them a splotchy reddish color. But he DID scoop up the dress along with the towels. The dress that was still full of purple die. The splotchy reddish, no longer purple towels and the lovely cream colored towels that were a perfect accent to the purple/now splotchy reddish towels.

I thanked Ethan for doing a load of towels for me and remembering to not put bleach in with the colored towels. I then went to the store and bought more purple die to fix the dress that was now dirty gray again. I no longer have cream towels as they are all now a pale purple. But on the upside, I no longer have splotchy reddish towels either.


Jeri said...

Oh man - I love it !!! Don't you just love it when kids decided to help? I know it's a good thing and all that, but sometimes I wish my kids would help by doing the jobs I ASK them to do... But then again, where's the fun in that??

Have fun with your dying project. Don't "die" in the process. (from frustration or laughter...)

ShazBraz said...

This is exactly why we are constantly quoting A Bug's Life where the guy says, "Then help us; DON'T help us!"

Pezlady Jana said...

God bless them helpful kids,right? So funny!