Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You have spoken

McKenna wrote a post about how to annoy her and it involved playlists. Now, when I started a playlist it was at Christmas time and I had the song of the day at the top so that you could listen as you read my post and hopefully catch the spirit of my review. Then after Christmas I just kept it because I liked listening to it after school when I was hanging out in my room waiting for it to be time to go home.

Then one day it happened. I forgot to turn the volume off on my computer the night before and I was blog surfing during class time and hit a blog with a play list. Embarassing!

Then I read McKenna's post and thought, "You know, she's right." So I did a survey and you all told me that you prefer the music to not automatically start. So, it no longer does. It is still there, at the bottom of the blog, you just have to go there and click on the song you want to listen to to start it. Then listen to your little heart's content. Or not. I'm leaving it up to you.


tawnya said...

Yay! I can turn my volumn back up!

tawnya said...

And by "volumn" I clearly meant 'volume'. You can thank Sammy!

Karlene said...

I keep my Mac on mute most of the time because of people's play lists.

So, I just noticed your Hinckley challenge graphic. Are you an overachiever, or what? :)

Sandra said...

Not an overachiever, I was already in Alma and didn't want to start over, so I just plugged my stats in where I was.