Friday, March 14, 2008

First impressions

This week I told my boss that I would not be returning to the school next year. He was kind and gracious, but dissappointed. I guess I am a good employee. That is always good to hear. The letter of reccomendation he wrote is also wonderfu (its always good to have the old ego stoked- eh?) He understands the reason, though, so that is good. Reason? I really did not go to school and get my degrees to end up basically a hall monitor. I miss using my brain and stretching it and working with the students on more than a once in a while basis.

The second reason (well in reality the first, because I would be happy with hall monitor if this wasn't an issue) money. I really, really hate that most of my decisions in life revolve around this, or the lack thereof. But the truth of it is this, if the bank account is not happy, I am stressed. And my bank account is just not happy.

Its not like my boss can pay me more, he has said he gladly would if the district would let him, but you all know how administration is. But want to hear something stupid about that? My 18 yr. old son just got hired by the same district to mow school lawns and will be being paid more than I am!!! That was really the clincher for me.

So, this week a job as a lead secretary in a brand new, not even open to students yet, elementary school. I know, I didn't go to school to be a secretary either, but the $$$ is better, it is a contract position and not hourly and there are benefits. I could transfer Brandi there, thus extending our time together and she is very excited about that prospect. She really misses being able to go to work with me and I miss getting her off the school in the mornings. (thanks for doing that for me Jess)

But for all of that to happen, I have to wow the principal of the new school this afternoon at my interview. That is what I hate the most about changing jobs- the interiew. I am not good at interviewing. How to tell people that I will be the best choice they ever made has never been my strong point. But, I go armed with my resume- that was good enough to get me an interview- and letters of reccomendation, and knowledge gained in the 44 1/2 years of life I have lived. So wish me well as I venture into my not so comfortable zone this afternoon.

Oh, and if that should not work out, I know that there are a couple of openings coming at the jr. high that my kids attend and I have already spoken to that principal about applying. So that interview would not be so scary. I really really hate interviews.


Jeri said...

good luck! my fingers and toes are crossed!

lindsey said...

Ahhhh! I just wrote a great comment about your job interview...and it wouldn't post.

So...a summary: If they ask you why you are the best person for the job today during the interview say this: "I will be a great addition to this new school because I am a hard worker, I have experience working with some of the hardest students at my old school and still have a smile on my face every time I pass another faculty member in the hall. I am a great organizer (I'm thinking 4-H) and a real team player. I go the extra mile and am a creative thinker."

I think ALL of that is true!

P.S. I'm sad that you won't be here next year.

tawnya said...

It's all about spin, baby! The last interview I had, I was on pain killers from surgery. And talking crazy all the while holed up in Sharon's bathroom. I still got the job. Yours can't be any worse than that!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath! I got my job as a kindergaten reading aide by showing up & being good at it. My first time subbing I was there all week & busy from then until my surgery. They were bummed I couldn't sub for a few weeks. Then when a job opened up after Christmas, I was the one they offered it to. You can do the same. It was amazing to me how many of the moms that signed up just plain flat didn't show up. Imagine that, the first time in my life I didn't procrastinate! I believe showing up is a big plus in any interviewers book! You can do it. Love ya, Loretta

tawnya said...

Ah, pretty new background. (Though Isaac says his eyes swim while he reads it on his (bigger, better) monitor!

tawnya said...

Oh, hey? Where did your links go?

ShazBraz said...

Woah, Sandra! Cool new layout. Did you use the website I sent you? What website did you use for the backgrounds and such?