Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Did you know

School started in full force yesterday. I found out that if you are assigned to "lost student" duty and have to help the students find the classrooms they can't find, the school becomes familiar pretty quickly. I also found out that it is not as big as it seemed last week.

I also found out that if you are asked to run a till in the lunch room and you have never run one before and all 2,000 students try to pay with varying methods of crumpled bills, loose change and smudged checks, and all of those said 2,000 students will attempt to get their food and pay you at the same time, that your till will not balance at the end of the lunch period. But the second day it will.

Did you know that staff members get paid $10/hour to sell football tickets, but less than that to tutor and help students in school? Or that teachers get $30/hour to sit in the lunch room with students that have more than 6 abscences but staff only get $8/hr to do that? How about the fact that if you send your college transcript to the state department of education, they can tell you what you are qualified to teach based on classes you have taken. And that they will work with you on getting your teacher credentials so you can teach and make the above mentioned $30/hr to monitor attendance school?

Second day of school is over and I have already learned a lot.


add to kirtsy


Megan said...

And what did I tell you about finding your way around? =) I'm glad it seems to be going well. 30 bucks? Sweet.

Sandra said...

Every time someone asks me where ____ is and I don't have to look at a map, I think of you.

David G. Woolley said...

How much does the cafeteria staff that makes the food get per hour?

I'll pay you $40 to make me a good feta cheese salad with craisins! How's that for a raise.

Sandra said...

David, I'll come work for you! I know it won't take me an hour to make a salad, so at that rate, that is a great raise. and I just might have to put you know who down as a reference ;)

G. Parker said...

Got to love public education, huh? Anyway, when you called, we were at my mother-in-laws for her bday and didn't get home in time to call anyone!!! ARGH. So, I have training today, and won't be able to call anyone before the party. I have heard from some people, but only to tell me they weren't coming...grin. So, lets just plan on about 6 -- and see who shows up. Thanks again!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Talk about educational!

Guess what arrived today?! My yummy smelling present. Thanks so much you sweet girl you. You got me just right. Although I'm having trouble not eating the yumminess!

Josi said...

You is so smart! Imagine where you'll be 178 days from now!

Unknown said...

hi sandra! i just posted your giveaway on The Pink Potpourri! thanks again for donating such a wonderful prize!