Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Autumn Time

It is the first full week of fall. How do I know? Firstly, the calendar says so. Secondly, we are having the craziest weather, one day it is 80+* and the next day it is 50* and the day after that it is raining almost 90* again! Autum in the Rockies, almost like springtime in the Rockies.

Thirdly, marching band is in full swing, or should I say step. We are beginning the round of fall marching band competitions this week. I love a good marching band. I am really hoping that the band my boys participate in is a good band this year. Competition brackets were redrawn and we are 1 member too many to compete in the bracket we usually compete in, but ah well, I will still be there at each and every competition, cheering and hoping that the sheer will of my wanting them to do well, will help them acheive success.

Fourthly, the morning weather is suggesting boots, and cordoroy, and jackets with a hint of hot chocolate and chili. Soon the temperature will linger on into the rest of the days to hint of the fun of fall to come.

Now, where is my blanket, my stadium seat, my jacket, hot chocolate and my favorite marching band?


add to kirtsy


loretta said...

Ya, I'm new to this marching band competition thing. Last night at Mountain Crest for exhibition, tonight at Weber, tomorrow Sky View homecoming parade, Thursday regular practice, Friday Sky View homecoming game, Saturday USU!!! AND we are just starting! I am a fair weather inside where it's warm kind of Mom. I froze to death last night. What am I going to do when it gets really cold? And she is so allergic to grass her eyes are maroon when she gets home. Is she really sure she wants to do this? Dang, why does she have to be good at it. Maybe the orchestra concerts the next 2 tri's won't be so bad now since they will be in where it's warm, huh?

Sandra said...

You know I'm an inside where it is warm kind of person, but you will learn how to dress warm and pack that blanket with you. I have sat out in hail, rain, sleet. Remember conference weekend last year? We were in Logan and I was sitting in the bleachers and soaking wet by the time we left. The dad in front of me had an umbrella and when he moved, all of the water that had accumulated on it dumped right on my lap! Oh yeah, I was cold and wet and soggy and drippy, but you could not have kept me away.

tawnya said...

I fully plan on stifling talent of any sort that requires things outside.

ShazBraz said...

We are going to SLC next week--can't wait to drive through the canyon.