Friday, September 26, 2008

Do I have stupid written on my forehead?

My sister posted about phone calls the other day. We were laughing about it in the office when the phone rings. I answered it. This is what followed:

Me- "High school attendance office."

Caller- "Um, I'm Shawna Sluffer's* dad and I need to excuse her from 4th period today."

Me- "Ok. Let me look her up on the computer." I pull up her attendance and notice that she missed that class on Tue- unexcused. She has missed that class, unexcused a lot. She also has quiet a few other random unexcused abscences.

Me- " I see she missed the same class on Tue. Should that have been excused as well?"

Dad- "Oh, um, yeah, yeah."

Me- kind of suspicious because he doesn't sound like he knows what is going on. "I notice she has some other unexcused abscences on the 18th. Should we have taken care of these already?"

Dad- Um, Really? Well, lets just excuse all of her abscences this year. Yeah, let's do that."

Me- "Ok, I can do that. I will need to ask your name in order to do this."

By now I was pretty sure it wasn't dad. His hanging up the phone when I asked his name almost confirmed it for me. The clincher came when I called dad, asked if he had just called to excuse his daughter and he said no. Wouldn't want to be her when dad got home last night.

*name has been changed


add to kirtsy


Unknown said...

funny! see that is why you just keep your grades up in high school and when you want to leave a class you text your mother and ask her to excuse you, it works a lot better :) no angry parents when you get home, and you don't have to worry about getting the abscences excused later

ShazBraz said...

Man, I was really hoping her name was shawna sluffer...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee, nice try chicky!

loretta said...

Ya Drew, or just sign your mothers name on your notes, huh? Or just say I don't want to go to school today, can you call & excuse me?

Megan said...

AWESOME! I'm laughing my head off right now. You know, I never once went to attendance school there? I pride myself in that fact.

Karlene said...

Yes, Meg, but only because you had your mother wrapped around your little pinkie and she caved every time you asked to sluff. :)

Sandra, that's funny. Wonder how big the word STUPID is written on their foreheads?

Sandra said...

Sharon- I know, I was in a hurry and couldn't think of any other clever names this morning. The principal that dealt with her this morning is new to the position this year and didn't think to ask fo the name of duh dad. It wasn't until I asked the principal the name that she realized that she should have gotten that information.

Drew and Megan- that's the way to do it. And Megan, you know I would have just winked at you in the hall and not given you a hard time. Besides, I know where you live.

We had two boys try to excuse each other today and then another boy tried to excuse himself. All of them claiming to be a dad. These teenage boys sound nothing like a dad. They have teenage boy voices

G. Parker said...

Sometimes they just think there's no brains outside of