Friday, October 10, 2008


Hoy subbed en clase de español. Después de la traducción de las sentencias de 5 de Inglés a Español y responder a algunas preguntas en sus libros de texto, que había una fiesta. Los estudiantes habían traído trata y compartida con cada uno de ellos y otros que vieron La Princesa Prometida. En español, por supuesto.

For someone that grew up so close to Mexico and had spanish class at least 3 times a week throughout elementary, I speak very limited Spanish. I understand so much more than I can speak and I understand more when I can read it. When parents that do not speak English come into the office it can be amusing to listen to the parent and I communicate. Usually between my limited Spanish and their limited English we do fine, but sometimes we both end up staring at each other in frustration until Mr. C can come and translate for us.But Mr. C. will be retiring in a couple of years, leaving us with no one to translate for us. I think I had better add a Spanish class to my college courses.

And the above paragraph? Translated using this nifty website- Handy for translating letters sent home, homework assignments, truancy notes, and blog posts.


add to kirtsy


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I keep meaning to pick up French again but never seem to make the time...

Karlene said...

That Google translator is wonderful, isn't it? I had a couple of blogs in Germany talk about my Twilight fragrances and it let me translate what they'd said. (Good things.)