Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 20

Last night when I got home from class, Matt asked me if I had seen the cat all day. I hadn't. No one else had either. I figured he just hadn't been around. It was warm and I had banished the cats to outside because I found a "present" and was not happy. They spend most of their time outside anyway, and they come in in the morning and get warm, then I send them back out. Once in awhile one of them slips in and spends the night on one of the kids' bed, but I nixed that when I had to shampoo the carpet. Again.

So today when I got home from work and Matt was still looking for his cat, I began to wonder if Scoop was more than missing. (stupid name, I know, but when I called him that, I didn't know he would be staying nor that he would be such a great cat). Ethan had some fundraiser orders to deliver, so I drove him around to do that. Then we drove down to the animal shelter, just in case. Good thing we did, because there he was, all alone and forlorn in a stupid cage. He looked so happy when he saw me. He wasn't happy to have to ride in the car home, but he was so happy to be home. I called Matt just before I turned the corner to our street and asked him to meet me on the front porch. Matt was also very happy when Ethan held Scoop up to look out of the passenger window.

Tonight I am thankful for a boy and his pet, reunited. Two happy souls.


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1 comment:

ShazBraz said...

oh, good. Simon is so cute and tender hearted with his cat; I spent many night when she was a kitten prowling around the neighborhood looking for her after she snuck out.