Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thankful day 4

I don't care which side you are on today. Well, I do care, but that is not the point. My point today is this- We live in a country where men and women have died to give us the right to choose who will represent us in our government as well as who will be the head of that government. Men and women are dying today to help us retain that right. It is our God-given duty to honor their sacrifice and vote.

I will be the first to admit that I do not always understand the all of the political jargon. There are times I read propositions and am not sure if voting yes is voting for or against. And I always feel like the candidates are just saying what they think they need to say in order to get the votes. It takes a lot of digging to get to the real issues.

However this much I do know- I was privilidged to be born in a country mostly free of strife and peril. I was born in a country where I have a say in what I feel should be happening with my government. Today I will vote in one of the most historic elections in the history of this country.

And I am thankful that I can.


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