Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thankful day 9

Nourishment. Do we think about it very often? Or is what we put in our bodies just that, stuff we put in our bodies?

Yesterday I borrowed a recipe from my friend Dave, who really understands the hows and whys of nourishing our bodies. I posted it here. Then the kids and I ate. And our bodies were nourished.

As I was reflecting back over my day, I realized that the soup nourished more than my body. My life has become busier than I would like and definately more stress filled than I would like. As a result, I tend to cook whatever is the fastest thing to throw together that isn't pre-made and processed to within an inch of its life. I do this as I am running to yet one more place I have to be and probably don't want to be. I also noticed that the sad and negative parts of my life seem to be taking over and smothering the good parts. But as I was headed to bed, far later than I would have liked, I realized that I felt calmer and more centered and grounded, and I thought about why.

When I stopped to take the time to cook- not throw something together- but actually cook, my soul was nourished with the act of creating. I had to stop and think. I had to breathe. I had to wait paitently for things to be ready to move on to the next step, there is no rushing cooking if you want to get it right. And I was doing something that I like to do. I hadn't realized how much I missed doing it.

Then today at church I was hoping to find some deep and profound insight that I could pass along to you. What came to my mind was this: Nourishment. I was being nourished yet again by being at my meetings, taking the time to slow down, sit down, breathe and feel the Spirit of the Lord. Nothing big and profound, but small and simple. And true.

I must learn to slow down and wait paitently for the next step. Stop praying for my trials to be over, but to learn and grow until it is over. Then and only then will I be ready for the next step (whatever that may be). And when it comes, I will realize that I hadn't realized how much I would have missed if I had passed the nourishment of trials by.

So today I am thankful for nourishment for body, for mind and for spirit. And thankful that even when I whine and complain, the Lord knows what is best for me, even when I would rather eat dessert first..


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1 comment:

Tristi Pinkston said...

I tagged you!