The schools are given a bunch of key cards- little plastic cards the students are given as a reward for scholarship, citizenship, raising grades etc. The students can then go to and choose a prize. The students can earn up to 3 cards per year. For every card that the student earns, their name is put into a drawing. In the elementary school level, the drawing is for a bicycle and in the high school level the drawing is for a new car. Ken Garff supplies the car and pays the taxes and licensing so it really and truly is a free car. 50 names are drawn out and each of the 50 students are given a key. Then 1 by 1 they try the key and the one that turns on the car wins.
Seniors are also eligable for a $1,000 scholarship. All they have to do is earn a key card, get the permission slip signed and write an essay about their keys to success. Matthew and Ethan both earned a key card. Matthew's name was drawn out to try a key. He also wrote an essay for the scholarship.
We had an assembly at school for the Ken Garff people to announce the winner of the scholarship and for the students to try for the car. I was told that there has never been someone win both the car and the scholarship and they were really hoping for Matt to win both. Results below:
He really needs a new car, but I told him that if he could only have one to pray for the scholarship because he needs that more.
As Matt said, "Now I only need $49,000 more!"

Awesome! I'm so glad that he got the Scholarship!!!
Hey! Congratulations Love you
That's great! Every little bit helps.
Ken Garff is in my ward. I'll tell him about Matt on Sunday. But not about the $49,000.00. That would not be smart small talk in the hallway outside sunday school class. Asking him for a copy of the winner key would be okay.
Wouldn't it?
Sure, Dave, IF you ask BEFORE they try for the car not 2 weeks after. I should have told you about it a couple of weeks ago. I'll have to keep it in mind for next year.
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