Thursday, November 12, 2009

Logo and Boutique and a winner

The Logo Jess made for me. The one where I told her

"Bangles Beads N' Baubles is my name and I want it to look like bracelets"

And she brilliantly made this for me.

I love it.

This is my set up at the Sweet Tweets boutique. This is my first boutique as BN'B and I hadn't planned on doing a boutique so soon, so I don't have a lot of display acessories.

I want some bars for the bangles and a couple of nice baskets for the bagged beaded stuff. I do have some trays that I bought at Savers and DI, but I need to spray paint them.

Right now they have a white base primer coat. I am not sure what color to do them. I was going to do black until I decided to use a black tablecloth. Maybe I should use the green and purple from the logo?

I was worried about my prices. Are they too high? Too low? Will people pay that for something they could make themselves? But as I looked around, my prices are right in line with the other vendors, so that alleviated that worry.

Now to who wins the custom piece. I am feeling generous this Thanksgiving season, so I am giving two pieces away. And those pieces go to:

Noelle and Karlene!

E-mail me and let me know what you want.( Be sure to include color. And if you want me to mail it or hand deliver, since I am so close to both of you.


Jeri said...

I think the logo is genius! I love it!

Karlene said...

What?! I won? Thank you!

And now I have to choose? I liked all the ones I said I liked, so surprise me. :)