Monday, January 5, 2009

Ice is best served in a glass

I have always said that snow is fun and pretty until Dec. 26. After that it is just cold and ugly. Today confirmed that.

1. It was 9*F when I left the house this morning. No one should have to go outside when it is that cold. The bright side? I don't have outside duty this week. Nope, that is the assistant princial.

2. It started snowing about noon. I guess that would mean that it warmed up a teeny bit, but the snow covered up all of the icy patches on the sidewalks in front of the school which led to..

3. I fell and hurt my knee, foot, hip and ego. It wasn't a very big fall, just the kind where you slip, loose your balance and go down on one knee. But I twisted my ankle and hurt the inside of my foot and now that I have been home a bit and thawed out my back hurts and so do my ribs and one of my wrists. Anybody feel sorry for my yet?

4. I let Ethan drive home in the snow. He did ok, except the Durango was in 4W and he had a bit of a problem turning. But he did great when he hit that patch of ice.

5. And just because I want a #5- today is his birthday


add to kirtsy


Karlene said...

I feel so, so sorry for you. Hope your owies feel better soon. It started snowing just a few minutes after I got to work. I've shoveled twice, then gave up because I've had no customers in the past three hours. I think there's about 4" out there in the parking lot. Don't know how I'll dig out to get home...maybe I should just sleep here tonight. I mean, it's a bookstore. I could keep myself plenty busy. ")

ShazBraz said...

9*? You got 9*? Lucky.

sorry about your fall. I just HATE that. It is so slippery out there!

Sandra said...

Karlene- I know, the boys have shoveled twice since we got home and it needs it again. And I am sure you can find something to keep yourself busy with. I just signed up for the book club. Now to see if I have time to actually read!

Sharon- I know. A virtual heatwave compared to you guys. Practically shirt sleeve weather.

Marcelle said...

We got minus 11 here in Germany....its very cold,but indoors is lovely.