It's Prom time here, and that means the creativity of highschool boys is in overdrive. You will remember the balloons and paint from last year's asking and answering.
I wasn't going to post this year's asking, Matt was going to post it to his facebook page. For some reason it won't upload there so he asked me to post it here for him.
This is how it happened. Saturday night they went out to a pagent. After that they went to her house to watch a movie. Matt volunteered to put the movie in the DVD player. He put this in instead.

Can't wait to see the answer!
Me too. I love Whitney.
Oh, that's awesome! They're both cutie patooties!
Oh, so cute!
That's CUTE! I'm excited for the answer too!
Wow! Why couldn't my guy friends in high school be that creative?! That was totally awesome!
I'm thinking like Ashli, why couldn't I find a cute guy like that in high school? or now even?
And Shaz Braz. Exactly what is a patootie?
David G. Woolley
David, I thought you knew all the big words!
So shaz braz, I'm assuming you meant meaning #2, right?
And since we're into urban definitions, exactly what is a Shazbraz?
Sandra: I copy and paste any word larger than two syllables...
Wow, we have nothing like that here in OZ... I think the most I ever got was a note passed in class!
Thats awesome!
I suppose it would depend on the application.
If I were making an innocent and appreciative comment on my sister's blog as to my nephew's sweet nature, I would reference meaning #2, as in "Cutie Patootie" which is a rather common phrase.
If I were commenting on this rather odd line of questioning, I might mean something else, as in: "These questions might lead one to believe that you are intentionally trying to be a pain in the patootie."
As for "what" a shazbraz is, I answer your question with a question, and ask you to spend some time instead pondering what a David Woolley is, as I'm afraid that answering your question directly might prove a little too urban for Sandra's gentle readers.
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