Brandi has always wanted to play soccer but time, money, other stuff has always prevented me from being able to sign her up. This year I saved the money and cleared time and this morning I registered her for soccer.
Registration opened this morning at 9 a.m. I would be at work and she would be at school. I told her we would go after school. She has piano lessons after school. I leave for class before she gets home from lessons. Last night she was worried that we would not make it to registration before we have to go to our other things. She was also adamant that we register the first day possible so she would be sure to get in. She came to me with a plan. She would put her piano books in my car, I would pick her up from school today and go straight to the rec. center and register her. Then if we had to wait in line and it was getting late, then I could drop her off at piano lessons and go to class.
This morning during a lull at work, I logged onto the city rec. center site and registered Brandi for the first two sessions of soccer. She is going to be so happy when she gets home. And I get to learn all about soccer.
But I am not buying a mini van.

how fun!
I think your Suburban counts...
I love watching Lexie & Tanner play!
And I take them in my car
I will be driving the Durango, unless the practices/games are at the school, then I will be walking.
Trust me. Watching your daughter play soccer in the PG city rec league is not the place to learn the game of soccer.
I'm just saying, do you have enough saved up for three month vacation to London? For starters...
Rats...he beat me. I was going to say 'Dave would be so proud'...
While London is tempting, I have a few more pounds (Euros?) to save. Hence the master's program to get more zeros in the paycheck. We'll discuss it in a year.
I would have signed her up for the Utah Rangers Soccer club but they are sexist and don't have a girl's league. Besides, even if they did have a girl's league, they would probably have some silly rule about the girl needing to be an elite or premier player or something like that. And I hear that their best coach retired anyway.
So I was left with the PG rec. league. For starters...
(And I have a lot to learn about soccer, but I do know two things. I know what goals and megs are. Let me explain it to you the way it was explained to me:
A goal would be, well, a goal. You know, when you have a goal which could be two tennis shoes set side-by-side with maybe five baby steps of space between them, two socks, two paper cups, two empty nacho cheese containers, two oranges or my personal favorite two cultural hall metal chairs. They make the best goals. Or you could even do a conventional thing with metal posts and a net. You get the idea. At least, I think you should.
The meg thing is sort of like the goal thing except you use your opponents feet/legs as the goal. If you play it through their legs while you're dribbling you have essentially megged your opponent. Megs are so much fun they get more cheering sometimes than a goal. Players keep track of the times they meg their friends in training or even in matches. There are even some 3 on 3 tournaments where you score points for megging your opponent.
Megging is an art form. You have to time the play of the ball just as your opponent's feet are together, but about to come open in their stride. In essence, you play the ball at closed legs, knowing that you've done your faking and dribbling well enough that the defender is going to have to open his legs to defend you and then you're through. Meg.
Goal = Meg = Cheering = Fun = Soccer mania.
Megan played soccer back when they didn't even offer it for girls in PG. We had to go out to AF. And no, it wasn't "real" soccer, but she had lots of fun anyway.
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