Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Sunday before Christmas!

I love when Christmas Eve or Christmas day falls on Sunday. We then get to start the most holy of days with worship at Sacrament meeting. There have been times that I wished we had a service on the actual day of Christmas just so that we could take the sacrament and be spiritually fed before the gift and food frenzy begin, it makes it so much more special, I think.

In my ward (church congregation) we have a special musical worship service the Sunday before Christmas. It is presented to us by our ward choir. Guess who our ward choir director is? You guessed it, Kathryn. We are so lucky to have her, but with this program and Christmas in the Grove and her real life, Kathryn has been working extremely hard for months and months. And our pianist, Wanda, has worked just as hard since she learned the songs for both programs as well.

Today's choir program was, as usual, amazing. Kathryn always picks a score that brings the spirit into the meeting. Through music and words, we heard the story of the first Christmas, fromt the angel coming to see Mary to tell her, to Mary telling us of the journey to Bethlehem and Joseph telling us of the birth, the shepherds hearing the angels announce the birth. The narration as well as the music was incredible and the spirit was full and strong. You can't help but feel Katherine's love of the Savior. In fact, Kathryn was who I had in mind as choir director when I wrote my post on "The First Noel".

Thank you, Kathryn for helping Grove Creek 4th ward to feel the Christmas spirit 3 days before Christmas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sandra - I'm so glad your Christmas Sabbath was so wonderful.

Merry Christmas from the Salimas.